28: Joe Fabisevich - iOS Developer @ Twitter
Joe recently became an iOS Developer at Twitter and spent the majority of the last decade doing contract iOS development.
On today’s installment of the Learn Swift Mentor Series I interview Joe Fabisevich. Joe recently became an iOS Developer at Twitter and spent the majority of the last decade doing contract iOS development. We talk about his experience contracting, his reasoning for going back to a full-time job, and the things he thinks are important for new developers to know.
Joe on Twitter – @mergesort
Joe’s Newsletter – bit.ly/programming-newsletter
As always, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @steven_0351
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- Lambda School: Lambda School is offering a free two week iOS 101 course with absolutely no strings attached. There are two cohorts available staring June 11th and June 25th, operating on a Monday through Thursday schedule. Each day covers 1 hour of live instruction, an hour of practice problems with TA’s available to answer any questions, and another hour of small group discussion around the problems. The cohort covers an introduction to Swift, the basics of Xcode and UIKit, and is a perfect way to see if Lambda School is the right fit for you.